Nidlechueche für 10 Personen
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Gateau du Vully
Sieve the flour into a large bowl and add the yeast, which is dissolved in 1/4 milk, then dissolve the butter and the salt in another 3/4 of milk, add and start to mix and knead to a soft, but firm dough. If the dough is too dry, add more milk. Place at a lukewarm place and let rise to double its volume. Roll out with the rolling pin and place into buttered baking tray, make sure you form a high rim. Prick dough with a fork all over. Break cubed sugar in halves and push into dough all over the pie. Pour the cream over that and scatter the remaining Sugar on top of that. Bake at 200C° for approx. 30 to 35 minutes, until light golden brown on top.
1.0 kg Weissmehl
20 g Hefe
6 dl Milch
100 g Butter
1.0 g Salz
2 Prisen pro 1kg Mehl
200 g Zucker
5 dl Doppelrahm (Crème double)